Project Venia 0.11

After publishing the 0.1 version, I was so motivated and happy, that I sat right down and tried to kill off all the bugs and typos myself.

Version 0.11 is out:

Please keep in mind, that Android users probably won't be able to use their old savestates with this update, unless they use a Ren'Py Android savefile-extraction tool (Don't ask me about that shit, I have no idea whether it works and how).


I overhauled the portrait-system, giving almost every single spoken line a different portrait (That took a looooot of time).

Additionally, I tried to fix most bugs with the portraits (Showing characters with wrong outfits, not showing characters etc.).

I tried my best to eliminate all typos (English is still not my first language, so there are still about 1 billion typos left).

I changed a few dialogues and added a few extra lines (Nothing groundbreaking, I just smoothed out the writing).

I posed a few portraits and characters again, since I was unhappy with their implementation so far (Took a lot of time).

TLDR; This is the version, that I want to show you guys: The real Project Venia beta. There's no time like now, to check it out.

Where to go from here:

I won't touch the game until probably end of 2021. By then, I will upload a 0.12, which will fix all typos and bugs.

If a gamebreaking bug is found, I will patch it earlier of course.

I will start with chapter 2 in the year 2022, I think. It will release in the year 2030, if I haven't abandoned the game (Right now, I'm absolutely not motivated, to be honest).

Please report all bugs and typos to me. I will collect them all and fix them in the 0.12 version and thank you so much for checking out my passion project.

My name is Hyun Seiker. I work on passion projects.

Files 1.4 GB
Version 2 Jun 21, 2021 1.4 GB
Version 2 Jun 21, 2021
com.hyunseiker.projectvenia-11-universal-release.apk 1 GB
Version 2 Jun 21, 2021

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